17 Amberley Cres



(03) 9792 1505

Feeding Your Pets For Over 30 Years
Feeding Your Pets For Over 30 Years

EcoPet Cooked Rolls

  • ecopet cooked rolls are available in two convenient sizes: 1 kg and 2.5 kg. 
  • ecopet cooked rolls are an all-natural source of nutrition. They are one of the best ways to help your best friends remain healthy by providing a diet without added preservatives or chemical additives.
  • ecopet cooked rolls are one of the healthiest foods available, because they are made with wholesome ingredients, including real chicken, fish and vegetables to name a few, that provide your pet with a diet that is as natural as possible.
  • ecopet cooked rolls are low pressure steam cooked. Once the healthy ingredients have been mixed together and sealed into low volume casings, they are placed into a steamer and gently cooked to ensure all food value is retained.
  • ecopet cooked rolls are a smart economic choice because their nutritious and concentrated formula allows you to provide a daily feed rate which is much less than that required by many other pet foods. By comparison, as little as half the amount of an ecopet roll can provide your pet with the equivalent food value as the recommended feeding amount of many leading brands. This in turn can save you money.
  • ecopet feed rate 150gms per 10kg of dog weight(approx)

Seven fabulous ecopet roll flavours

  • Chicken and Vegetable: whole fresh chicken, bran, selected vegetables, rice, garlic
  • Chicken and Fish: whole fresh chicken, bran, fish, rice, garlic
  • Chicken and Rice: whole fresh chicken, bran, rice and garlic
  • Lamb and Vegetables: whole fresh chicken, lamb, bran, selected vegetables, rice, garlic
  • Lamb and Rice: whole fresh chicken, lamb, bran, rice, garlic
  • Beef and Vegetables:  whole fresh chicken, beef, bran, selected vegetables, rice, garlic
  • Kangaroo: whole fresh chicken, kangaroo, bran,  rice, garlic
Healthy Cooked Pet Food Victoria Melbourne
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17 Amberley Cres



(03) 9792 1505